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Let’s get you started to be a part of The MAP. Our Affiliate Program is a win-win partnership. So, what is The MAP? This is a fantastic program that let’s you put some extra pocket money, into YOUR pocket 🙂
So how is this done? Like Influencers in the past, albeit Instagram, Facebook, Webcast or whatever Social Media you fancy; Influencers have highlighted our products along with a signature URL, where their audience are able to click on a link and make a purchase of said product.
When you’re a part of our program, you will earn 5% percent of every sale that is made from the links that you post highlighting our products and/ or company which result in a sale. You can choose to withdraw this earned amount in the form of a company check or PayPal.
If you choose to spend the amount earned towards other MADNESS products instead of cashing out you will receive 110% of your earned credit (example: If you earned $100 and instead of cashing it out you choose to spend it on other products from our online stores you will receive an extra 10% of what you earned. In this case if you earned $100 you will have $110 to spend as store credit).
In summary, our affiliate program offers the following key benefits:
Please take a moment to complete the application form below, and let's get started on this exciting journey together.
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